The McCallister Curse Pt. 02
Another special thanks to JasonT for all the hard work he put in helping me getting this ready for all you readers.
To those of you that read Part 1 and left a comment or voted, thankyou so much. It meant a lot to me that you took the time to do that and that you enjoyed my story. Hopefully, you enjoy this part just as much.
And to the readers of this part of the tale
1. This story does contain futanari and will continue to do so. If that's not your thing I apologise but it will be a recurring part of this tale.
2. This part of the story is almost double the length of Part 1. There is a massive lore dump as I try to expand upon the world this story takes place in. I've tried new things that I've never written before, so I hope its good enough for you all.
3. This part of the story also includes Lesbian Sex, Bondage and touches on Mind Control.
I hope you all enjoy.
Part 2
Lord Robert Grey was in his study when the news arrived. Finance reports, intelligence reports, security and containment reports, weather reports, reports on magical anomalies. A never-ending deluge of paper covered the old oaken desk that was his personal private domain. A smaller cocoon of secrets, plans and deceptions, nestled within his sanctum at the heart of the majestic Grey estate.
He sometimes wondered what would happen if he just let them continue to build, to pile up and up without any regard. Probably economic, legal, and inevitably fatal ruin. Lord Grey allowed himself a small grim smile at the thought. It could never be allowed to happen of course. So, he slaved away, countless hours spent ensuring that the Greys, his family, one of the four founding houses of Steelhaven remained where they belonged - at the top.
The power they possessed within their blood gave them a unique position within the families of Steelhaven. While the others possessed the supernatural; abilities that were thought impossible by the masses. Mind-reading, invisibility, seeming immortality. The Greys were different. They were negative magic incarnate. A void, a nullification, a rejection of all other magic. More commonly they were referred to as blanks. A member of the Grey family could suppress or shut down nearly all magical abilities within their radius.
The stronger the blood, the greater the focus, the further they could project their field. Innumerable hours had been spent trying to determine what factors accounted for greater strength in the blood, trying to find a source that could be studied, could be cultivated into something even greater. Those hours had unfortunately proven fruitless, family scientists unable to prove or find anything that would account for such variances in strength between family members.
Upon his ascension to the highest seat, when he became the master of this domain, Lord Grey of Steelhaven, his first act had been to cancel the project. He suspected no true answer would ever be found and those scientists had been needed for other more important projects, projects that after 30 years were finally starting to bear fruit. It also didn't hurt that if nothing was found then no one would be able to replace him.
That thought was pure ego, a thought contrary to his usual policy of family, of the Greys as a whole before anything and anyone else. A small blip that he could never quite squash from his thoughts whenever he remembered making the decision.
In any case, he had built the Greys into the force, into the pre-eminent power within Steelhaven they were today. Diplomats, bodyguards, mercenaries, Greys of many different skills and ability woven throughout Steelhaven's society. If anyone of any significant power was meeting, was making plans or needed a magical threat eliminated, a Grey was there to ensure that things stayed fair, that things went as planned or were removed. They had become the de facto arbitrators in the magical underside of society.
He himself might have recently entered his fifties, may have more grey in his hair than not but he was still the strongest Grey in the family's history. Generations had not seen his like. His field could extend across the entire Grey estate, hundreds of metres where magic could not exist unless he allowed it. He had held the powers of a Pitlord at bay, prevented scores of magical barrages from the Elder races wiping out Steelhaven's most influential politicians himself included, he had revealed assassins and their plots. The sheer scope of his range was without equal.
He was why the Greys ruled Steelhaven.
His slate-coloured eyes focused on the stacked reports, introspection broken by the reminder of responsibility. The stacks of paper detailing his preparations for an event that could potentially ensure the Greys continued to rule Steelhaven for generations. A potential match for his perpetually rebellious daughters, a representative from a power that could rival any of the Families. A marriage that could bring new power to the Greys, much like his own had many years ago. A new way to spread their reach and maintain the dominance he had established for his family. Nothing could be allowed to interfere.
It was as if the very thought had tempted fate itself, had been heard by the far-flung expanse of the universe and had been summarily rejected.
The knock that resounded through his sanctum, the solid beat of knuckles on the heavy wooden door that marked the entrance to his private study sounded more like peels of doom than they had any right to do. He swiftly shook the foreboding feeling from his mind. The pattern of the knock, the solid beats revealing the identity of the would-be petitioner.
It would be Elizabeth, one of his daughters, the other inevitably following along, the excessive pounding just another small act designed to annoy him he was sure. Maybe the already fading sense of doom was appropriate he mused. They were one of his greatest triumphs, his greatest joys and yet he was almost certain they would be the end of him. They were far too much like him, wilful, demanding and entirely sure they would get their way eventually, nothing like the woman they called mother.
"You may enter Elizabeth," he called, settling the papers, shuffling them into some semblance of order and setting them aside, carefully checking that nothing untoward was revealed at the top.
His heavy wooden door swung open, the dark portal sliding inwards effortlessly. It did indeed reveal Elizabeth as he had surmised, along with her twin sister Katherine. They were however not alone. That was unexpected. While it was not unheard of for him to see people in his study, the occasion was usually reserved for family or trusted allies. This stranger, this demon, for he could be nothing else, the immense height, the red skin, the curled horns on his forehead and the heavy talons that swung from the hands at his sides. The power of the Greys revealing his ancestry to all who beheld him, this demon was certainly neither family, friend nor ally.
Jasper had remained slumped as he crossed the threshold of the Grey estate. The mountainous black gate closed behind him and he heard the lock engage. He was within the power of another now and could only hope the news he carried would be deemed worthy of sparing his life for interrupting the most powerful family in Steelhaven. It was worth the risk of death, the risk of banishment. When he thought about the power he could gain from the Greys for bringing word of the McCallister girl, it was a siren song he could not escape.
It took him a few steps to realise the change, to notice that his glamour was gone. No longer a man of above average height and muscles to match. Tousled brown hair, brown eyes and an easy smile had all been replaced by the monstrous truth. His height restored to a full 7 feet, crimson skin the colour of freshly spilt blood, curled horns like those of a ram sat high upon his forehead, sitting within the crest of black dreadlocked mass that now covered his scalp. 3-inch claws resting upon the tip of each finger, each hand now a weapon capable of threshing men apart in seconds.
He was a giant, a soldier of Hell itself and still he felt powerless within these walls and without. He had no Lord of his own to serve, no Master that would demand his fealty and his life. He was alone and so he had survived in the streets of Steelhaven, beholden to no one, playing it safe as he stalked his victims through the night. Warrior turned ambush predator and it had been a good life. But now, now he had the opportunity for something more. He just had to survive possibly the most powerful human he had ever known.
He flexed his tremendous fists, muscles bunching together and straightened to his full height. A determined look fixed itself to his face as he stopped and faced the approaching guards and what he assumed to be his escort within the Greys citadel. It would not do well to show weakness here.
The guards that approached came heavily armed, yes, the Greys power revealed him for what he really was, but it couldn't stop pure muscle and power. Dark grey fatigues, face covering masks and all manner of additional tech covered their forms. Heavy assault rifles pressed to their shoulders; barrels unwavering as they held him in their sights. Jasper suspected that the ammunition they carried would be far from normal as well.
They scanned the area surrounding him, professional, well drilled, and wary of any threat even from within their own compound. Jasper could hear the communications flying back and forth between them as they secured the area immediately around him.
"1 demon, soldier type by the looks of it Ma'am, no other threats detected. You can approach," the call came from one of the guards, Jasper could only assume it was their leader, the same terse voice that had questioned him over the intercom. The man had turned his head down to a radio pinned to his uniform, relaying the information to another party out of his sight.
Jasper waited. It was only a few minutes before the mysterious party arrived, but he remained still, not daring to make any movements that could see him riddled in holes, a hulking statue, surrounded by his welcoming committee.
They appeared from inside the looming estate house, an automated door sliding back to reveal them, side by side and matching each other stride for stride they came forth like angels with the dawn.
Jasper had heard of the Grey twins, knew of their existence as the heirs to the Grey family line, rumoured to be second in power behind their legendary father. But he had never seen them in person, they simply moved in circles far beyond a simple demon such as himself.
They were radiant, tall, and limber, they moved with the smooth grace of models. Tight hip hugging charcoal miniskirts clung to their bodies, the hemline ending mid-thigh, giving a peek at their smooth creamy thighs, matching stiletto heels to emphasize legs that went on for miles and pale blouses with the top few buttons left undone covering their tight athletic bodies, providing the smallest hint at what was hidden underneath. Their breasts were only small, but sat firm and perky on their chests, he was certain their nipples would taste delicious. They were a jaw dropping mix of business attire and casual sexiness. Jasper was incredibly careful not to gape as they came toward him.
Only at the very top of these magnificent creations could he tell them apart. One sister had long chestnut coloured hair, it hung freely behind her as she walked, reaching the small curve of her back, and nestling above the curve of what he could only imagine was a picture-perfect ass. The other sister had the same reddish-brown hair but styled into a messy bun, a few locks escaping to hang down the side of her face. Stylish, black-framed glasses sat perched upon her exquisite features. Jasper couldn't help but immediately wonder how she'd look as she stared up at him as he thrust his massive tool between her lips.
He immediately discarded the thought; it was dangerous to think such things. The Greys may not be mind-readers but who knew who they had in their employ or what artifacts they had nearby to betray his dirty thoughts. Not to mention the state of his jeans now that he had reverted to his true demonic self. He would be lucky if he made it through this meeting without accidentally exposing his private parts and maintaining any semblance of dignity. The pair of beauties before him were truly going to test his willpower.
"You are Jasper," it was a statement, not a question and he could feel the disappointment, the contempt dripping from it.
"You have found a McCallister?" it was the sister to his left that spoke as they reached him, careful to stay outside the ring of guards that still maintained their intense vigil. She was the one with the longer hair and it was glaringly obvious in her tone that she was sceptical of him and his information.
Jasper ducked his shoulders as he replied, reducing the height difference between them just a little, trying to appear more earnest, less threatening, and well, less demonic really. "Yes Ma'am, I did at midnight this past evening, I was in 'Eddies' downtown and her curse activated right in front of me."
Jasper kept his voice clear and even, being precise and not showing any reaction to the twins' obvious disdain would get him through this and to see who he really wanted to see.
"Prove it," demanded the second sister, brown eyes narrowing behind her designer glasses and no less haughty than the other.
Jasper spread his gigantic fists, splaying his hand wide, "I can only tell you what I saw Ma'am, what I felt. It was a McCallister, I would swear upon the Blackened Throne itself. Demons don't forget that feeling, that power. We hunted enough of them into an early grave."
He could tell before he'd even finished speaking that they weren't convinced, that they were never going to take a demon's word for truth. Their eyes clearly showing they thought him contemptable, a liar and probably worse. He could feel his dreams of power and prestige crashing down around him as he stood before the stuck-up sisters.
Jaspers salvation came from the guard captain who had maintained his vigil throughout the demon's short report to the Grey twins. "Ma'am, errr Ma'ams, I normally wouldn't stand up for a demon or intend to disrespect you but this one's story," he nodded towards Jasper, a slight inclination of the head. "Your father needs to hear this and hear it from the source. A vow upon the Blackened Throne isn't something they would joke about, even lightly. He believes he has seen a McCallister and he is right, Demons would know."
The guard, a grizzled older man Jasper could see now that he actually focused on him, used the same terse voice with the twins as he had through the intercom. Though Jasper could clearly see he was making an effort at being polite and that his words certainly having an effect on the twins, there was no distaste on their faces as they listened to him speak, his words deflating their ego just slightly.
"Uggh fine," conceded the first sister. Jasper mentally added a tiny foot stamping tantrum to the reply. "We will take him to Father."
The young woman turned to Jasper, a more professional attitude taking over her as she faced him. The condescension disappearing as if it had never even existed. "Follow us please, we will lead you to my Father."
Jasper nodded and smiled what he hoped was a polite smile. Being a demon, it had a lot more teeth and a lot more malice in it then was really comfortable. The sisters visibly blanched at the horrifying grin. The sisters abruptly turned to escape it and strode towards the mansion. The guard who had spoken in his defence gestured with his rifle for Jasper to follow them. Jasper straightened again, resuming his full height once more and followed the attractive pair into the manor. He couldn't help but let his grin widen as he did. He had been right; those asses were sublime.
Elizabeth couldn't help but shiver as she marched into the house, the hulking demon soldier on her heels. The glamour, the stylized sophistication and artfully arranged décor of her home passed by with barely a thought or a glance. She and her sister had intercepted the message from the gate guard that had been intended for her father. A McCallister, alive and in Steelhaven. It was beyond belief.
The family had been destroyed by the Curse they had brought down upon themselves; the last known member of the family had fucked himself senseless just over 20 years ago, demons desecrating what had remained after the reportedly days long orgy had ended. Family agents had been dispatched to clear up any problems that had resulted. The curse, the McCallister line had been ended. How could they have missed someone?
Elizabeth glanced at her sister as they made their way deeper into the sprawling complex, Katherine was biting her lower lip, consternation plain on her face, their mother made much the same expression when she was bothered by something. They had intended on saving their Father from having to deal with some petty scam artist, maybe gain a little respect from him by dealing with it so efficiently, be seen as something more than as his little girls to be protected and caged.
But now, now they apparently had the real deal on their hands. Elizabeth couldn't decide if that was better or worse. The McCallisters had become legend, a fable spread amongst the magical societies to beware the Curse of the witch. A Family, one of the founding five brought low and extinguished. She couldn't imagine the same thing happening to her own, it seemed impossible.
If it was true, if a McCallister had truly emerged her father must know. If the rumours surrounding their powers were true, if half of them were true and the Lancasters certainly weren't going to tell, then they were a threat to her family. Elizabeth glanced towards Katherine again, the beautiful brunette was still chewing her lip, probably lost in the same thoughts as she was. Elizabeth steeled herself, a fresh determination filling her, the McCallisters were a threat, and a threat to Katherine could not be tolerated, no matter how legendary they were.
Still, she realised, she hoped, it could still be a trick, a hoax. It wouldn't be the first, though she prayed somewhat fruitlessly that it would be the last. Thoughts of riches, of power for themselves drove many to madness, to forget or ignore what would happen should they be discovered in their lies. Elizabeth glanced quickly over her shoulder at the demon. The hulking red monstrosity was still quietly following them. Though she was more than pettily amused to see him having to contort his oversized body to get through the manor without damaging anything, doubly so when she noticed his eyes dart away from where they had been firmly planted on her sister's ass.
That wasn't uncommon, they had both gotten used to being stared at, at having their bodies be objects of desire. Both she and her sister had even encouraged it as they grew older and could occasionally escape the scrutiny of their father, their clothing becoming even more provocative than what they dared to wear in front of him.
But to have this thing, this demon staring lecherously at them, at Katherine, it was disgusting and more than slightly terrifying. What was worse was that it turned her on a little. She knew the guards trailing along behind would kill it before it even touched her and that it was well within the range of Katherine's and her own field of power, but it was still a massive beast more than capable of manhandling her and forcing her to do whatever it wanted.
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