The McCallister Curse Pt. 02
Hello again, just another short note before the story starts. Thankyou to Darth_Aussie and the crew again for the inspiration to continue working on this tale of mine. Another special thanks to JasonT for all the hard work he put in helping me getting this ready for all you readers. To those of you that read Part 1 and left a comment or voted, thankyou so much. It meant a lot to me that you took the time to do that and that you enjoyed my story. Hopefully, you enjoy this part just as much. And to the readers of this part of the tale 1. This story does contain futanari and will continue to do so. If that's not your thing I apologise but it will be a recurring part of this tale. 2. This part of the story is almost double the length of Part 1. There is a massive lore dump as I try to expand upon the world this story takes place in. I've tried new things that I've never written before, so I hope its good enough for you all. 3. This part of the story also includes Lesbian Sex,...